
Plain Dealer, January 2, 1979, page 38: National TV NBC says only 7% of US citizens live in a traditional family, we now have working mothers, single parents, lesbian couples and communes.

Plain Dealer, January 4, 1979, page 44: National TV NBC documentary looks at the state of the American family including traditional, divorced and even lesbian couples.

Plain Dealer, January 4, 1979, page 45: Mark Rydell, after his 1968 film THE FOX, with its explicit lesbian themes, argues Hollywood is actually behind the sexual revolution.

Plain Dealer, January 4, 1979, page 62: Dear Abby: Should I give up my lesbian lover to please my parents? If you are mature you will make your own choice, not your parents choice.

Plain Dealer, January 7, 1979, page 99: Opera loses much of its sexuality upon an English translation, for example, when Octavian is sung by a woman it has homosexual overtones in the production DER ROSE.

Plain Dealer, January 7, 1979, page 101: Letter regarding the Village People and YMCA, says they are out there breaking the ice in our heterosexual dominated world.

Plain Dealer, January 7, 1979, page 109: Novel THE PRAISE SINGER sees one of the great Greek singers getting involved in a high-powered homosexual love triangle that leads to a murder.

Plain Dealer, January 14, 1979, page 81: Theater PRICK UP YOUR EARS is the story of one of Britain's great playwrights that was murdered by his coauthor and homosexual lover in 1967.

Plain Dealer, January 27, 1979, page 11: Gay men and women must come out of the closet in their search for dignity and civil rights says Episcopal Reverend Boyd, himself a homosexual.

Plain Dealer, January 30, 1979, page 4: In Iowa, 130 people asked for exchanges of their license plates because the letters spelled out GAY.

Plain Dealer, February 2, 1979, page 45: Truscott speaks of his time at West Point, he chose homosexual murder because of the sexual element of power in an all-male settings.

Plain Dealer, February 4, 1979, page 8: Anita Bryant is recovering from surgery around her eyes in Miami, not a facelift, she is known for her anti-homosexual crusade.

Plain Dealer, February 11, 1979, page 146: Film THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY is not particularly family friendly due to homosexual scenes and violent beatings.

Plain Dealer, February 17, 1979, page 14: A kangaroo court has been in session five times at the Lackawanna County Jail where defendants were forced to commit homosexual acts.

Plain Dealer, February 23, 1979, page 118: Tim Tavcar played the role of the singer's devoted homosexual friend in THE GINGERBREAD LADY.

Plain Dealer, February 25, 1979, page 14: Reverend Edward Wood says homosexuality is a social reality and the church should be more open to it.

Plain Dealer, March 11, 1979, page 64: Upon divorce, men agree to pay alimony until the wife dies or remarries, a judge in St Paul Minnesota ruled that a stable lesbian relationship should be subject to alimony as well.

Plain Dealer, March 18, 1979, page 18: Article shows the absurdity of Republican arguments against the ERA and statehood for the District of Columbia.

Plain Dealer, March 29, 1979, page 111: Dear Abby: Parents gush over their son, but he is a homosexual and we were hurt, but we still love him so much.

Plain Dealer, April 1, 1979, page 36: The Navy won't be using the Village People's song "In the Navy", due to coordination issues, not because the group is homosexual.

Plain Dealer, April 1, 1979, page 87: The first test tube baby breeds new ethics questions such as biological fatherhood in a lesbian impregnation.

Plain Dealer, April 4, 1979, page 33: That Margaret Trudeau brags of all the men she can bed is less understandable than those of the beliefs of radical lesbians and militant feminists.

Plain Dealer, April 8, 1979, page 280: A large group of homosexuals are unhappy and guilt-ridden about their sexuality, we have a free pamphlet to move ahead in a Christlike way.

Plain Dealer, April 10, 1979, page 40: Dear Abby: My husband worries about our grandchild playing with dolls and ladies shoes, is he a latent homosexual? Only a psychotherapist can answer that one.

Plain Dealer, April 11, 1979, page 4: Paul, a homosexual, wants to take another boy to the junior prom at Cumberland High School. Throwing another wrinkle in is the fact that students are not allowed to go alone.

Plain Dealer, April 17, 1979, page 1: Despite prejudices, two of the nation's leading sex therapists say homosexuals are no different in their physical or biological composition.

Plain Dealer, April 17, 1979, page 10: The Cumberland Rhode Island School again denies Paul Gilbert, a 17 year oid homosexual the ability to bring a male date to junior prom.

Plain Dealer, April 17, 1979, page 16: Novel HOMOSEXUALITY IN PERSPECTIVE from a group in St. Louis publish their latest book highlighting that homosexuals are successfully setting up couples lives.

Plain Dealer, April 22, 1979, page 8: Novel THE PIGEON PROJECT is a compelling story of a way to double human lifespan in this book filled with everything from scientists to homosexuals.

Plain Dealer, April 24, 1979, page 56: New indictments accuse Gacy of having homosexual relations with his alleged victims a Cook County grand jury says.

Plain Dealer, April 28, 1979, page 3: Patty Hearst denies her police officer husband's bachelor party at a lesbian bar that ended in a brawl, we do not feel it okay to beat lesbians.

Plain Dealer, April 28, 1979, page 66: Theater OHIO MOTHERS CLUB set in 1915 where a mother finds out her daughter is in a lesbian relationship and she believes this is against the laws of God.

Plain Dealer, May 6, 1979, page 22: The Thorpe homosexual relationship scandal is the largest since 1963 when War Minister John Profumo was caught with a Soviet call girl.

Plain Dealer, May 9, 1979, page 27: The Jeremy Thorpe trial has begun in the United Kingdom where four are charged with conspiring to kill Scott to end silence him from bragging of the affair.

Plain Dealer, May 9, 1979, page 43: San Francisco Police organize the nation's first officially sanctioned gay police recruiting drive, attracting 350 homosexual recruits.

Plain Dealer, May 11, 1979, page 129: TV AFTERNOON EXCHANGE CHANNEL 5 explores the controversy of lesbian parenting with guests Bobbi and Lynn Loftin.

Plain Dealer, May 12, 1979, page 65: Boston priest who ministered to gays is transferred to a small suburb signifying the conflict within religion over dealing with homosexuals.

Plain Dealer, May 15, 1979, page 21: CSU holds National Women's Running Conference, with lesbian issues at the fore, attendance was low.

Plain Dealer, May 19, 1979, page 2: Former model Norman Scott told a hushed courtroom yesterday ex-Liberal Party leader Thorpe called him poor bunny and made love to him.

Plain Dealer, May 19, 1979, page 21: The girl's attorney presented a birth certificate in court showing her spouse was born a woman, making this a homosexual marriage, which is forbidden in Tennessee.

Plain Dealer, May 19, 1979, page 79: Novel CLASS REUNION Four Radcliffe grads return for their 20th class reunion, one a frustrated housewife, another married to a homosexual.

Plain Dealer, May 20, 1979, page 6: Officials of the Central Canada Exhibition canceled a singing engagement by Anita Bryant because of threats by homosexuals.

Plain Dealer, May 20, 1979, page 116: Novel THE LETTERS OF VIRGINIA WOOLF VOLUME IV where the author wonders of her relationship with boyish dressing Ethel Smyth whether the relationship was lesbian in nature.

Plain Dealer, May 23, 1979, page 1: At a street party to celebrate what would have been Milk's 49th birthday, the scene turned into a riot as homosexuals stormed City Hall.

Plain Dealer, May 23, 1979, page 7: With more than 140 people, including 60 police, injured, protesters felt people will be free to assualt homosexuals with no severe punishment.

Plain Dealer, May 24, 1979, page 29: The gay violence after the Milk and Moscone guilty verdict of White was the most destructive San Francisco has seen since anti-war protests of Vietnam.

Plain Dealer, May 24, 1979, page 30: San Francisco population may be as high as 30 percent gay, there are gay political clubs, churches and even a public TV reporter with gay oriented news pieces.

Plain Dealer, May 25, 1979, page 25: CSU holds the National Women's Running Conference, with lesbianism in sports highlighted, one notes running signifies women breaking out of the home.

Plain Dealer, May 25, 1979, page 73: Film PARDON MON AFFAIRE, TOO explores as one subplot a homosexual doctor's marriage to a lesbian, the are many suspected affairs in the piece.

Plain Dealer, May 26, 1979, page 14: Spenkelink was convicted of the murder of another ex-convict after a homosexual advance, he is the first in a long time to be put to death.

Plain Dealer, May 27, 1979, page 68: Novel SLEEPLESS NIGHTS from trailer parks to chic New York cocktail parties, she writes of her homosexual roommate with whom shared a farcical marriage.

Plain Dealer, June 3, 1979, page 6: Paul Guilbert, a 17 year old homosexual was not allowed to take his friend Eddie Miskovich to prom at Cumberland High School in Rhode Island.

Plain Dealer, June 7, 1979, page 109: Ohioans can't be punished for asking a person to engage in homosexual activity unless that action inflicts injury to either of the people engaging in the act.

Plain Dealer, June 10, 1979, page 72: Dr Menninger explores two California murders with widely differing punishments, White of Milk and Spenkelink of Syzmankiewicz, both with homosexual components.

Plain Dealer, June 15, 1979, page 3: A Ft. Lauderdale reporter who is an admitted homosexual puts Anita Bryant's counseling center for gays to the test.

Plain Dealer, June 15, 1979, page 60: According to Bryant, to overcome homosexuality one must accept Jesus and face homosexuality as a sin and confess, and 16 more steps.

Plain Dealer, June 22, 1979, page 90: Film CRUISIN explores male homosexual society, Pacino plays a policeman decoy for a killer moving through the streets in a sexual odyssey.

Plain Dealer, June 23, 1979, page 12: Thorpe lost his seat in British Parliament after a homosexual attempted murder fiasco of his friend Norman Scott as Scott blabbed about their relationship.

Plain Dealer, June 25, 1979, page 23: Gays freedom parades held in San Francisco and New York celebrating the 10th anniversary of the nationwide gay movement that started with the Stonewall Riots.

Plain Dealer, June 30, 1979, page 52: Dear Abby: Why do I have to prove I am not a lesbian, that I am just picky? You can get a decent guy by being yourself, do not apologize to anyone.

Plain Dealer, June 30, 1979, page 53: Film A QUESTION OF LOVE has Jane Alexander in this honest telling of homosexual love.

Plain Dealer, June 30, 1979, page 67: Lutherans plan to circulate a proposed policy saying homosexuals do not violate church teaching unless they engage in erotic behavior.

Plain Dealer, July 1, 1979, page 6: Anita Bryant says it is frightenting that San Francisco's gay community is so large and infuential and that Milk's wage of sin is death.

Plain Dealer, July 4, 1979, page 59: White received maximum sentence of 7 years, sparking outrage in San Francisco. Milk had been elected by San Francisco's large homosexual community and was the first openly gay public official.

Plain Dealer, July 4, 1979, page 61: The lenient sentence given to White, a homosexual police officer, in Harvey Milk's murder touched off a mostly gay riot at San Francisco City Hall.

Plain Dealer, July 6, 1979, page 12: Gain asked to resign after a riot by 5000 unhappy with the short sentence in Milk's murder trial, Gain's police did not do much to stop the riot.

Plain Dealer, July 6, 1979, page 16: A lesbian woman was awarded money because her ex-husband tapped her phone, she still lost custody of her two children.

Plain Dealer, July 6, 1979, page 55: Cincinnati Mayor Sterne designated one day as Lesbian-Gay Pride Day which gave candidates running for coucil who criticized it a way to get free publicity.

Plain Dealer, July 8, 1979, page 209: Film HARPER VALLEY PTA like ODE TO BILLY JOE with its homosexual theme, used a title track to complement the film to more publicity.

Plain Dealer, July 18, 1979, page 86: Film CRUISIN has one star getting paid in money and gasoline, starring Al Pacino in a controversial look at Gotham's gay scene.

Plain Dealer, July 27, 1979, page 4: Anita Bryant's contract with Florida Citrus was unanimously extended for one year in spite of her antihomosexual crusade.

Plain Dealer, July 28, 1979, page 4: Film CRUISING is protested by gays who say the film reinforces stereotypes, undercover detective realizes he is gay and goes on a killing spree.

Plain Dealer, August 2, 1979, page 17: Under fierce pressure, hotels and farms turned away homosexual Jews at their first ever meeting in Israel, they were forced to tour in sercret.

Plain Dealer, August 2, 1979, page 33: First International Conference of Gay and Lesbian Jews received an icy welcome as Orthodox rabbis held fast to condemnation of homosexuality.

Plain Dealer, August 4, 1979, page 56: A draft continues the church's traditional teaching that homosexual erotic behavior violates God's intent.

Plain Dealer, August 12, 1979, page 66: Article details a journey led through Cleveland's neighborhoods, at one point by a homosexual.

Plain Dealer, August 12, 1979, page 116: Novel BLOOMSBURY a collection of well to do artsy type young adults in London, the Novel details sex in all its varieties, including homosexual.

Plain Dealer, August 12, 1979, page 118: In 1961 the Army interrogated, harmed and referred to Thornwell as a homosexual and more, he was awarded a nice sum by a federal judge.

Plain Dealer, August 15, 1979, page 19: Four convicts tell a room of young folks the horrors of violence and homosexuality inside Ohio's jail system.

Plain Dealer, August 25, 1979, page 25: Rowlands deserves an emmy for A QUESTION OF LOVE where a lesbian mother fighting for custody because a number of Emmy categories were removed from consideration to limit the length of the awards show.

Plain Dealer, September 2, 1979, page 87: Novel ROSWELL'S CLAP with DH Lawrence as a latent homosexual whose heterosexual libido was waning to the point of impotence.

Plain Dealer, September 3, 1979, page 34: In regards to desegregation, there are differences between black and whites that can impact the way some classes should be taught, for example, punk to black kids means homosexual, and to white, it means a cocky person that is not likeable.

Plain Dealer, September 6, 1979, page 19: In the Curb vs Dymally California election, it was discovered that the Republican had sung in falsetto using the name Michelle in a bathing scene with homosexual overtones.

Plain Dealer, September 9, 1979, page 74: Film BENT Gere plays a homosexual who tries to outwit his Dachau Concentration Camp tormentors by passing as Jewish, meaning gays fared worse.

Plain Dealer, September 11, 1979, page 31: Dear Abby: Regarding "Uptight Mom", tell her I worked with Baryshnikov and he was not homosexual and he had to beat women off with a club.

Plain Dealer, September 15, 1979, page 4: Richard Penniman, also known as Little Richard, was a rock star, he says has been converted from a drug-addicted homosexual to a messenger of God.

Plain Dealer, September 16, 1979, page 11: Episcopalians reject recommendation that no human condition be a barrier to ordination, ordinands should lead an exemplary life.

Plain Dealer, September 19, 1979, page 4: Episcopalians ban ordaining homosexuals or heterosexuals who have sex out of wedlock, 21 bishops refuse to implement the decree though.

Plain Dealer, September 23, 1979, page 30: Running for Ward 5 Council is Mastroianni who has alleged to be a homosexual, although he was married September 1st.

Plain Dealer, October 5, 1979, page 196: Author states that he does not see the homosexuality on TVs SOAP as controversial.

Plain Dealer, October 5, 1979, page 204: TV MORNING EXCHANGE CHANNEL 5 highlights lesbian mothers fighting to keep their children.

Plain Dealer, October 6, 1979, page 15: Pope to Bishops, liberalism must be discouraged in birth control, divorce, homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia as they are violations of the teachings of God.

Plain Dealer, October 7, 1979, page 2: The Los Angeles NOW conference celebrates the extension of the ratification period and on the last day they votes on resolutions for reproductive and sexual rights.

Plain Dealer, October 8, 1979, page 39: NOW will boycott unratified states, end discrimination in abortion legislation, fight sexual harassment on the job and put lesbian rights up-front.

Plain Dealer, October 12, 1979, page 6: One-hundred gay rights advocates riding a train to the District of Columbia march were met with 30 locals and their minister laying on the tracks to protest their lifestyle.

Plain Dealer, October 14, 1979, page 82: Letter worried about my son who does not play with boys, suggest he gets into an activity with kids his own age, boys and girls.

Plain Dealer, October 14, 1979, page 104: In Russia, derogatory remarks about anyone celebrated historically are not made, thus it is not okay to suggest that Tchaikovsky was homosexual.

Plain Dealer, October 14, 1979, page 133: National Gay Taskforce organizes a march at the Capitol, some fear it will bring out the more exotic elements of the homosexual movement, drag queens and the leather crowd.

Plain Dealer, October 14, 1979, page 135: Homosexuals march of Washington includes Parents of Gays and all fight to end discrimination in an attempt to show Bryant's view is wrong.

Plain Dealer, October 14, 1979, page 245: Cabaret dinner theater is popular, the shows are normally family friendly, spicier offerings like the homosexual scenes in YOUR CAT IS DEAD work at the end of the night.

Plain Dealer, October 15, 1979, page 1: Seventy-five thousand gays and lesbians marched peacefully down Pennsylvania Avenue in what was called the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights.

Plain Dealer, October 15, 1979, page 11: In the march, gays hope to win the repeal of repressive laws against their private lifestyles and fairness in job and housing considerations.

Plain Dealer, October 16, 1979, page 8: Captain Coronado, discharged from the Air Force due to homosexuality, picked up Pfc Heaton, took him to an apartment and forced him to have sex.

Plain Dealer, October 16, 1979, page 12: Cleveland Congressman Stokes wants to ban lobotomies and the implanting of electrodes to make docile homosexuals, rioters and those already in jail.

Plain Dealer, October 16, 1979, page 23: Theater FAMOUS LOVE LETTERS one of which was from Oscar Wilde to Lord Alfred Douglas.

Plain Dealer, October 24, 1979, page 36: Miss Jorgensen writes of growing up a frail, introverted little boy who ran from the rough-and-tumble, and now she has gone through a sex change.

Plain Dealer, November 3, 1979, page 57: Novel THE ONION FIELD features harrowing violence and heterosexual and homosexual sex shown through two California cop killers.

Plain Dealer, November 4, 1979, page 60: At the University Hospitals Gestalt Institute doctors are seeing more lesbian and bisexual women and more women who admit to liking sex.

Plain Dealer, November 5, 1979, page 40: The 1980 presidential race gets ugly, an attempt to plant a homosexual affair follows Carter and a film release called Chappaquiddick follows Kennedy.

Plain Dealer, November 10, 1979, page 29: Film LUNA has a lesbian shower scene and a homosexual proposition, but the director cuts both scenes just prior showing any sexual acts to keep the suspense up.

Plain Dealer, November 11, 1979, page 6: In the Thorpe homosexual murder mayhem, Hayward wins a libel suit as a newspaper implied he took part in the failed murder plot.

Plain Dealer, November 16, 1979, page 114: Film LUNA has Matthew encouraged by his father into an incestuous relationship, to take heroin and to have a homosexual encounter.

Plain Dealer, November 18, 1979, page 91: Novel THE LIFE I REALLY LIVED sees Orpha endure incest and near-rape, then marry a man who has a homomsexual affair with a boy.

Plain Dealer, November 19, 1979, page 42: Film LOVERS AND OTHER RELATIVES finds Sandrino watching his brother's wife where his sex drive takes over, incredibly his father thinks he is a homosexual.

Plain Dealer, November 23, 1979, page 187: Novel DIAGHILEV has a ballet costume design and maker whose homosexuality surfaced early in his life.

Plain Dealer, November 25, 1979, page 105: Novel ON THE EDGE OF THE CLIFF shows Pritchett still writes masterfully with a sub-plot that includes an elderly widow's fondness for a young homosexual.

Plain Dealer, November 27, 1979, page 6: New Jersey foster care officials are placing a few homosexual teens in home with homosexual foster parents, it is not yet a statewide policy.

Plain Dealer, December 2, 1979, page 131: Televangelist Robertson on a recent show highlighted a former homosexual who claimed Jesus had delivered him from being gay.

Plain Dealer, December 8, 1979, page 39: The Holy Father makes it clear the church is not an association of free thinkers and must not lower sexual standards in religious life.

Plain Dealer, December 10, 1979, page 8: Dead boy on Cleveland's west side was found with two homosexual magazines and a an old mattress, he was abducted on his way home from school.

Plain Dealer, December 10, 1979, page 11: Feinstein is in a fight to become San Francisco first female mayor with a conservative.

Plain Dealer, December 10, 1979, page 71: One publisher for teens now sells novels that deal with lesbian affairs and pimps.

Plain Dealer, December 13, 1979, page 10: Feinstein becomes San Francisco first female mayor, she replaces slain Moscone and gives a moment to Milk, San Francisco first openly gay elected politician.

Plain Dealer, December 14, 1979, page 147: Film LA CAGE AUX FOLLES Laurent asks his homosexual father and transvestite live-in to tone it down so his girls parents can come for dinner.

Plain Dealer, December 14, 1979, page 148: Theater BENT Gere goes to the stage to portray a rather unsavory homosexual and he would have done the role if it was a movie as well.

Plain Dealer, December 15, 1979, page 40: Film LA CAGE AUX FOLLES Laurent asks his homosexual father and transvestite live-in to tone it down so his girls parents can come for dinner.

Plain Dealer, December 16, 1979, page 138: The homosexual and avante-garde heterosexual have merged under the pulsating light of nightclubs in DC and butyl nitrite also known as poppers keeps the party going until dawn.

Plain Dealer, December 16, 1979, page 139: In DC, poppers cause hypoxia with a feeling of power and aggressiveness, they reduce pain, enhance giddiness and result a slowing of time, all leading to a prolific sexual climax.

Plain Dealer, December 16, 1979, page 143: In San Francisco, gay political clubs supply streams of active campaign workers to candidates whom they support, and voter turn-out in gay precincts is high.

Plain Dealer, December 16, 1979, page 144: The "White Night Riot" occurred after a lenient verdict for White who shot Mayor Moscone and gay Supervisor Harvey Milk.

Plain Dealer, December 21, 1979, page 98: Theater LA CAGE AUX FOLLES a young heterosexual asks his homosexual father and transvestite lover if they can look conventional so his girlfriend can bring her parents over for dinner.

Plain Dealer, December 24, 1979, page 19: Film ROSE follows a self-destructive, doomed rock queen of the 1960s as she runs through a homoseexual bathhouse and responds to a former lesbian love.

Plain Dealer, December 25, 1979, page 56: Theater BENT Gere plays a young, dissolute hustler in a seedy Berlin apartment with his lover, a dancer, when the SS arrives and labels him a homosexual.

Plain Dealer, December 26, 1979, page 17: Turkey grants bail for a US student charged with drug smuggling, she complained about conditions and said she was approached by lesbian inmates.

Plain Dealer, December 29, 1979, page 6: Films intended for sex counseling only are causing a split among Methodist Board of Disciples.

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